The pH probe might get dry out when you have not use it in long time resulted into wrong or false results in pH measurement. Your probe might require reconditioning. Dawn Sci’s pH probe conditioning kit have the solution to bring back your probe to normal working condition. Please try our pH probe reconditioning solution before you throw out your expensive probes away. Our reconditioning kit may give new life to your probe and save your lots of money.
All you have to do is dip the pH Probe in this three-step reconditioning chemical bath and your Probe could be as good as new. The entire process takes about 5 minutes.
• It may give new life to your expensive probe
• 5 minutes process to check
Step- 01: Place your probe in solution-1 for 15 seconds and then rinse with water
Step-02: Place your probe in solution-2 for 15 Seconds and then rinse with water
Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more times, and then check the performance of your pH probe. If your pH probe
needs further conditioning proceed to step 3.
Step-03: Place your pH probe into bottle 3 and wait 3 minutes and then rinse with water
Cautions: Please wear appropriate PPE as this reconditioning kit contains Acids and base.
Disclaimer : Any of above statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration (FDA).This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. This information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. This product is for research use only.We strongly advise you to have a test batch before use. If you suffer any adverse reactions or symptoms, please discontinue use immediately.